The Fear of not being good enough

They look unexceptional. They do not flaunt. They do not push our specialized abilities to the limit. They exit things we anticipate. They do not reflect the most recent trends.

"It simply does not seem right."

"It nearly appears unfinished."

"nobody does so anymore."

Fantastic designs reach their targets and nothing else. Good layouts are aware of what they're searching for. They've an awareness of function, they serve it and they understand that which does not belong.

Empathy is critical to style, however the desire to be enjoyed can spoil a item. We may use an interaction pattern which does not fit because it seems more impressive.

Do your very best work, even in the event that you don't receive any credit for it. You don't need to be worried about looking wrong. You are able to afford it.

Don't be scared to be right.


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