Are you Happy? Report says you should be.

The latest WORLD HAPPINESS REPORT reveals the global happiness. The report was released in Rome on the occasion of World Happiness Day i.e.  March 2016. The experts from many fields like psychology, survey experts, economics experts describe the measure of how the happiness of well being can assess the progress any nation.

The happiness report demands to issue many government policies which demands happiness worldwide.  The recent report of World Happiness ranked 156 countries on the basis of their happiness level.

The first report was released in 2012, then in 2013, 2015 and now on 2016. It takes three years to do the whole survey based on many criteria’s and released the final report.  This report influence people and the whole study had done by Gallup World Poll. According to the experts, these reports are the indicator of Human Development worldwide.

Unfortunately, India again can’t make it and shows no improvement in its happiness quotient. India ranked 118th position from 156 countries in the report of World Happiness

In the previous report, India was on 117th rank. It came down by one slot and also China, Bangladesh and Pakistan are leading from India on the proportion of happiness.

Also the peak 10 countries and their measurements are shown below:
  1. Denmark
  2. Switzerland
  3. Iceland
  4. Norway
  5. Finland
  6. Canada
  7. Netherland
  8. New Zealand
  9. Australia
  10. Swedan

This report was measured on the basis of life expectancy, Freedom and GDP as the key factors.

Based on the report, it can be said that the people remain happier in the countries where there are lesser inequalities. It is a very important to see that the country UNITED STATES which is getting richer day by day had got very less happiness points. It means if the country is chasing only for money then it is chasing the wrong path.

These reports show that India and all other countries must concentrate on issues such as inequality and environment for the well being of the society.

Economic growth should not directly proportionate to rise in inequality. Also, Politics is one of the major issues of dropping the happiness level in India.

How can a country increase their happiness level?

 Follow the footsteps of countries like Bhutan who appoints a MINSTER OF HAPPINESS to promote happiness as an aim in public policy.


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