5 Questions about life. Ask yourself?

Do you know how long are you going to live around for? Exactly no one knows that but still we know that the world will vanish one day for all of us. We live our life and die some day, but what about the whole stuff in between this i.e. Life.

Nowadays everybody lives just because they don’t have any other option or they don’t want to do the sins of committing suicide. But this is not the way; we should think about life and lead it in that way.

The point is that you should do such things in your life which outcomes the best from our times on the planet. Life is not all about to live it and die some other day. We should live our life in the best possible way we can.

I have some questions for you which you just ask for yourself and get the answer. I am sure this will prove to be a turnaround time in your life. Just ask yourself once!

Are you happy with your job?

Are you having a great time at your work or just doing it because you have to do. To wake up daily, go to the same place just finish your daily work and come back home and does this until you get retired.  If you are lucky one, then got the increment once in the year.  So, is this all you want in your life? Think it and give a kick start to your life

Do you care for everyone?

Do you care for everyone all around you, not only just your family and friends, but also about animals and Environment? Are you being nice to them? Are you leaving such an impression to them so that they will remember you after you die?

Well, I know nobody is perfect in life and life is not fair at all but still you must not want to die with people hating you just because you were not kind and caring for them.

What are you doing for mankind?

There are a lot of people who need help one or the other way in this world. Have you done anything for mankind? Have you helped any homeless or needy people? Have you donated anything which will not harm you but will give so much happiness to others? Your small steps of mankind can make a big difference to others? Do you agree?

Do you want more in life than what you are doing?

Whatever you are doing now, your work, your family, house, and all other collective stuff make your life. Is that all or still something is left, which remain undone? If yes, then take the necessary steps to achieve that. If there is some time of doing what you want to, then just start planning for it because you never know what next comes to you.

 Did you forgive people who hurt you?

This is last and major aspect that, Are you holding your anger and not forgiving others who hurts you some day, then you are just drinking slow poison and trust me it is not affecting anyway to whom you are angry with. You should let it go and feel free. Peace is in forgiveness. Just stop thinking about them. Remember, they don’t care if you forgive them or not, but it’s not about them, it’s all about you.

I wish your life will be full of happiness and joy. Take your own decisions, take big steps in your life and accept the change. Do not travel on the plane in autopilot mode, just be the pilot of your own life and have daring to live boldly.

If you want more in your life, then you have to do more.


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